“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” ”
Kyley Demshki
BDTP Chair
I am: 23
I’m a young professional at: Altais Medical Group Riverside
I get involved in my community through the following organization(s): Beautify Riverside & Pick Group of Young Professionals
I am a happy resident in the City of: Riverside
My career goals are to: To be a successful healthcare leader in a system that delivers excellent care in my community
My professional motto is: “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” —Confucius
My advice to other YoPros is: Aim to be the most prepared and informed person in the room. Build your credibility by being able to execute effectively
When I’m not working or volunteering, you can find me: Spending time with my family or tending to my many house plants
I joined PICK because: I joined Pick to make connections and find new opportunities to engage with the community I have been lucky enough to call home my entire life.
PICK is awesome because: The people!
The issues in Riverside that I care about most are: Healthcare equity, access, and funding
I maximize my PICK membership by: Attending as many events as possible!